Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New, Free, Keyword Ranking Dashboard by Endlessrise

The Long Awaiting NEW Keyword Ranking Dashboard

As you all know our current keyword ranking dashboard has been having issues.  It is currently provided by a third party and as a result of the continuous errors and inaccurate ranking results we have built our own keyword ranking dashboard.

We do apologize for the delay on this, our current dashboard vendor told us over and over again that they will be fixing all of the issues on the current dashboard but the issues only continued.  As a result, we have built a better dashboard with more features… let me tell you about it.

The new dashboard will be able to chart all keyword ranking average fluctuations within Google Local, Yahoo, and Bing.  You will also be able to track keyword specific ranking fluctuations on a graph with a color key.  When you click on a particular keyword you will be able to view the entire ranking history of that particular keyword.

Due to popular demand, we have added what we call our “grid view”… this view allows you to see all of the keywords and all keyword ranking history within one screen and have the ability to export all keyword ranking history into an Excel document or CSV file.  

Due to another popular demand, you will be able to add up to 10 keywords on top of the keywords we are already targeting, and be able to interchange those 10 keywords with different keywords at will.  Why would you want to add keywords on top of what we are targeting?  Well let’s say we are targeting 10 keywords for your client and of course rankings take some time to get moving and even longer to get on page one.  If you wanted to log into Google analytics or any analytics programs and find the keywords people are currently searching with to find your client’s website, you can track these down in any analytics program and often times you will find your client rankings on page one for those keywords.  You could then take these keywords and load them into the ranking dashboard and bang!  Instantly they can see 10 additional keywords they are ranking on page 1 for from within their keyword ranking dashboard.  We allow you to add these keywords for FREE and we will track them.  Additionally, if you change keywords we are targeting, we will now continue to track all “previously targeted” keywords inside the keyword ranking dashboard.

How will you know the difference between the keywords we are targeting, previously targeted keywords, and the keywords you have added for additional tracking?  You will see a new column appear named “tag” and the tag will be empty for targeted keywords, for previously targeting keywords the tag column will say “previously targeted” and for the additional keywords you add the tag column will say “additional keyword”.  

Please see below image for an actual snapshot of the keyword ranking dashboard inside of  The new keyword ranking dashboard is actually complete; we are just doing our final tests and fixing minor bugs.  We will be releasing this within one week from today.  On the initial release we will not have your ranking history within the new keyword ranking dashboard, but within 10 days of release we will have the last 6 months of ranking history loaded into the new keyword ranking dashboard.

Run Your Own Online Presence Report Right from Your Website... "does it get any better than that?"

Helping You Get Clients One Report at a Time!

By Paul Stinemetz
Want potential clients to be able to run their own Online Presence Report? (Click here for example)Now you can run your own overview report in less than 15 minutes.
When you submit a proposal request through we perform the extensive keyword research and competition analysis, but often times you need to run a report to help you QUALIFY a lead before submitting them into for thorough research.

You are always welcome to submit proposal requests through and get your FREE online presence report, but if you want an immediate return on this report for a hot lead we recommend you sign up with

Depending on your volume, you can run these reports for as little as .50 cents a report. Not bad pricing at all!!!

Currently this report words best for the USA but they are working on upgrading it to target Canada, UK, and Australia in the near future!

Why am I releasing this little trade secret? Because it helps you to get more clients and I consider us partners in business. It is my goal to do everything I can to help you grow your marketing and design firm even if they means sending you directly to one of our software vendors for direct access.

I would like to encourage everyone to sign up for this to help yourself qualify leads before submitting them into for thorough analysis because of the fast response time and also the ability for you to run volume on this.

For example you can send this report out to 100 companies per month, and let's say you are able to get 10 companies to respond (10% response rate). For those 10 companies that are interested you submit a proposal request through and we run your complete keyword research and process the proposal for you. Let's say that out of those 10 you are able to close 3. Total overall closing ratio of 3% based on your initial lead generating effort. This report is what makes that closing ratio of 3% worth your while.

Based on this modest estimate, 3 marketing clients a month at $500 per month profit per client and average marketing client duration of 9 months... equals a total client value of $13,500.00. So, is the cost of running these reports worth it if you have a 3% closing ratio? Of course!
This one should be a no brainer and I'm happy to share this with you.
Please see attached below for the example online presence report. 

Best of luck in sales everyone!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Me and Dan were up all night on Saturday getting the new social media packages loaded into These are brand new so we have not "polished" our sales collateral so the attached details are not so easy on the eyes but I wanted to get these out to door asap. 

We came up with many different packages and there is one specifically I would like to talk about... the Google Social Dominator Package. This package includes Google +, Youtube, Picasa, and Blogger optimization. Why did we choose these for our "Google Social Dominator?" ... because Google owns all of them! In fact you can login to each with the same account. If you want to get all "Google" on Google Social Media then this is the way to go. We are able to build backlinks with most social media optimizatoin services as

Additional New Social Media Packages Include:

Google + Marketing
Facebook Marketing
Twitter Marketing
LinkedIn Marketing
Picasa Marketing
Youtube Marketing
Pinterest Marketing

We will be creating videos to go over these services and writing full documentation on each line item over the upcoming week. As of today you can login to and already avail of all new social media packages.For questions feel free to call the sales team at 323-313-1234 ext 2.
See attachment here for all social media package details or login to and go to services to view all social media package details and pricing.

I will be in touch by the end of the week with more information on our social media packages.

Google Loves and Recommends Mobile Responsive Design
Endlessrise is now offering Mobile Responsive Design packages!   

We have been doing mobile responsive design for the last 3 months, but just recently we put together our packages for this specific type of design using Wordpress.

Why are we focusing on this and really pushing for all new websites to be built mobile responsive?  In short, because we are also an SEO firm and always have marketing in mind when building a website. 

As published by Google on June 6th, 2012, mobile responsive design is now the #1 recommended configuration for websites that are mobile compliant.  In short Google is saying that they want to see websites that have a “mobile version” or a “tablet version” or any other screen size version to have the exact same URL for all “versions”.
In the past the most popular way to build a mobile website was to literally build a different version and put it on your sub domain.

Typical Example:

Regular Website =
Mobile Website = or
As shown in the above example, the mobile version has a different URL, in fact it is on a sub domain.  Google is now recommending that the mobile version be on the EXACT same URL as the regular website.

Google’s Recommended URL for mobile versions:

Regular Website =
Mobile Website =
With mobile responsive design we can build a website that has a different design for the tablet size, and Smartphone size on the exact same URL as the regular website.  The “functional” code of the website remains the name, the design simply changes based on the screen size.  With mobile responsive design you can actually view the website in your regular browser on your laptop or desktop and resize the window and watch the design change as you drag the window to the size of a tablet (ipad) and watch it change even more when you drag the window to the size of a Smartphone (iphone)!!!  If you have never seen a website do this you must try it! 
The first time I saw a mobile responsive design I probably resized my window 25 times just watching the design change while the URL remained the same.  Yes, I’m a geek so I like this sort of thing, but I really think you will get a kick out of viewing some mobile responsive design examples and resizing the window to watch the design change as per the screen size.

Mobile Responsive Design Examples to GEEK YOU OUT!!!

What does this have to do with SEO and marketing in general?

When the mobile version of your website is the EXACT same URL as your regular website, which means all SEO work put into your regular websites applies 100% to your mobile website…. It’s the same thing!  This is great news; no longer do you need to do separate “Mobile SEO” to get your mobile website ranking higher.  Admittedly there are some things we can do to help the mobile rankings but it is clear that Google is making a push for all websites to have the same URL for each page no matter what device is rendering the page.  It is difficult for Google to run a different algorithm just for mobile websites and if everyone had the same URL for their mobile version as they did for their regular website then interpreting mobile sites is a piece of cake for Google because it is the same URL. 
Currently Google publishes that it is ok to have duplicate content on the mobile version of your website even if it is a separate “mobile” website on your sub domain.  However, it is typical of Google to 1st recommend people to do one thing, and then come along later and make it mandatory… then they start putting penalties in place.  How long will Google allow you to have duplicate content on the mobile version of your website if it is on a different URL?  To play it on the safe side it is best to build out your website with the mobile version on the exact same set if URLs as your regular website so if Google decides that they want to interpret mobile pages on a sub domain as a unique page, your client won’t be stuck with the task of writing unique content for all of their “mobile” pages.  

Benefits of having your mobile website on the Exact same set of URLs:

1.       You make Google Happy – and isn’t that our goal in life? J
2.       SEO on your regular website applies 100% to your mobile version
3.       Update one page in your backend and it updates all screen sizes as the same time
4.       No “future” duplicate content issues
5.       All backlinks to your regular website apply 100% to your mobile website
6.       All social signals to your website apply 100% to your mobile website
7.       If Google decides to require all URLs on your website to have unique content for optimum ranking compliance regardless of if it is a mobile sub domain, you won’t be stuck writing a ton of new content for your “mobile version”.

Advantages to Selling Mobile Responsive Web Design

I am seeing a lot of agencies make serious money off of selling mobile responsive web design because it includes the “mobile version”.  But mobile responsive design does not just cover Smartphones, it also covers all tablets and any screen size in between.  Why does that mean you can make more money selling mobile responsive design than typical web design.
Let’s say Jimmy logs into Edasher and opts to choose a mobile responsive design package for roughly $500.00.  Jimmy has a potential client and typically would mark up this web design wholesale cost to $1000.00 to stay super competitive in the design industry.  However, Jimmy now charges $1000.00 for the regular website, $500.00 for the tablet version, and $500.00 for the smartphone version, which comes out to $2000.00.  Typically Jimmy would only have made $500 because he sets his markup low and tries to sell at a higher volume, but since he is now selling mobile responsive design his average profit has increased 3X! and he is set to make $1500.00 off of selling a website that cost him $500.00.
The above example is true and I see it all the time.  When you walk into a client’s office with an Smartphone, Tablet, and Laptop and show them how a mobile responsive website resizes on a laptop, then you show them the website on a tablet, and then you show them the website on your Smartphone, it really WOW’s clients and makes for an easy sell. 

Selling Mobile Responsive Design and Getting an SEO Contract at the SAME TIME!

Many agencies find it easier to close SEO and other online marketing contracts with their clients when they are building their website to start with.  When you sell a client a mobile responsive website you can negotiate with the client discounts based on the marketing plan of their choice.  For instance maybe you offer the client a “free mobile version” and “free tablet” version of their website if they sign on for a 6 month or 1 year marketing plan.  Maybe you offer 50% off the web design services if they sign a marketing contract for X duration.  When you sell a website it is the perfect time to pull the client into a marketing contract with the offer of a promotion rate if they do so. 

No Better Time than NOW to Sell Websites

It seems as though everyone is thinking mobile, mobile, mobile, mobile.  For local business’s they have to be online, and they have to be available to people who are using Smartphone’s and as per Google’s latest recommended mobile website setup, local business’s really need a mobile responsive website.  This means that local business’s who do not have a website could use one more than ever, and those who do have a website, if it is not mobile responsive, could use a new one.  Selling website should be easy and everyone should be making lots of money selling mobile responsive website’s and it is the PERFECT gateway to selling online marketing services.

Login Today to Submit a Proposal Request

You can Login to to submit a proposal request for a custom website and speak with a design consultant.  If you would like to see the package details please see the attachment by clicking here.  You may also login to, click on Services, Click on Web Design, and click on “Web Design Package Details” to view all of the web design package details as well as the pricing. 

If you have questions please call our sales team at 323-313-1234 ext. 2 from 9am to 5pm EST Monday through Friday.  As always, we are not open to the public and only exist to service agency partners just like you.